Our experience in designing, planning and weaving Kokura-ori fabrics has enabled us to produce mainly high-density fabrics made of cotton, wool and other materials. We value the expression of pre-dyed yarns and weave in flexibility of design without limiting the number of warp yarn colours.
A new type of warping machine enables designs without repeats across the entire weaving width, and we can deal flexibly with small lots of less than 300 m. We also offer a direct solution from the prototype stage to design and weaving according to the customer's needs, including sample weaving and the production of original yarns using a twisting machine.
先染めの糸 / Pre-dyed yarn
整経 / Warping
織る / Weaving
検反 / Inspection
小倉織は、豊前小倉藩(現在の福岡県北九州市)で袴や帯などとして織られ、徳川家康も愛 用した、地厚で丈夫、しなやかな質感の木綿織物。多用した経糸(たていと)が色のリズムを生み、立体感あふれるたて縞が特長です。明治以降は学生服として全国で愛用され、400年以上にわたる歴史をもちます。
Kokura-ori is a textile that was produced at the beginning of the 17th century by the Kokura feudal clan of southern Japan. A cotton cloth with vertical stripes, which was used to make the hakama (samurai trousers) and the obi(sash). This fabric is thick and strong, but has a soft texture, even the first Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa cherished. The use of a greater number of wrap threads in relation to weft threads creates delicate color gradations, giving the vertical stripes design three-dimensional effect. Kokura-ori has a history of more than 400 years and had been used as school uniforms since around 1870.